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Lynchburg Letter: John Victor to J. William Gayner

May 23, 1925

In this letter, John Victor urges Mr. Gayner to present to the Board his plan for addressing production problems at the plant and allow the plant to break-even within five weeks (see Letter, May 26, 1927, Mr. Gayner to Mr. Loyd in which Mr. Gayner recalls his proposal and reflects on some of the problems at the plant in its final weeks).

Text was transcribed by Dennis Bratcher from the original letter. A scan of the original letter is below.


May 23, 1925.

Mr. J. Wm. Gayner
c/o Lynchburg Glass Works,

Dear Sir:-

I have yours of the 21st inst., enclosing several letters in reply to your efforts to secure a general factory manager, which letters I am returning herewith.

I note that you say in your letter that if you had the entire say of the plant for a period of five weeks that you could make it break even. I think it would be very well for you to get up a very definite statement along this line showing just exactly what moneys you would have to spend, and the whole amount of money that it would take to run the plant for a period of five weeks, and present such a statement to a meeting of the Board to be held in the next few days. I have requested Mr. Eller to call a meeting of the Board for next Tuesday, and hope that you can have a very definite proposition to submit to them at that time.

Yours very truly,

John Victor.


